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On November 9th, 2020, during the 20th China International Dye Industry, Pigment and Textile Chemicals Exhibition, Asia Dyestuff Industry Federation (ADIF) held press conference for the first standard, officially issued and implemented two standards, Determination of Shade and Strength of Disperse Dyes by High-temperature & High-pressure Dyeing (ADIF 001-2020) and Method for Determination of Shade and Strength pf Reactive Dyes (ADIF 002-2020).
The Press Conference was moderated by Mr. Shi Xianping, Executive Chairman of ADIF & Chairman of China Dyestuff Industry Association (CDIA), and Ms. Cheng Jintao, Executive Deputy Secretary-gernal of ADIF. Mr. Dro Tan, Executive Director of Matex Group was one of the invited guest who delivere speeches of congratulations for the ADIF Standard Press Conference 2020.
For more information on the ADIF Standard Press Conference 2020, please visit: