Sustainability | Corporate Responsibilities
Sustainability Steering Committee

Sustainability is deeply anchored in Matex’s business strategy. We recognize the need to evaluate and steer the sustainability activities on a strategic corporate level with a dedicated Sustainability Steering Committee.
The Sustainability Steering Committee fosters the sustainable development of the company in a holistic approach according to Matex’s Sustainability Policy. It evaluates the global challenges and megatrends and sets long and midterm Group goals to initiate projects and activities in the field of sustainability. It can define specific working groups and approves and reviews their projects.
Matex’s Sustainability Steering Committee is chaired by our CEO/MD who underlines the importance of sustainability for the company. Members of the Steering Committee are made up of key representatives from various parts of the group. The sustainability steering committee aims to meet at least twice a year and wherever necessary.
Corporate Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs Matex (CSR@Matex)
Headed by our Executive Director, CSR@ deals with all sustainability issues relevant for the company. CSR@ establishes the group policy, strategy and standards, coordinates and monitors their implementation and provides support for the business. This includes disseminating information on environment and safety matters, monitoring of Key Performance Indicators, development and implementation of suitable programs and campaigns to promote sustainability.