Sustainability | Corporate Responsibilities
Our Commitment to Sustainability

At Matex, we believe in the sustainability of the communities in which we operate. Matex economic impact on society goes beyond traditional financial results. Our economic stakeholders include a wide range of stakeholder groups such as suppliers, authorities, employees, and local communities to generate value for society. We are aware of the impact environmental damage causes, and appreciate the importance of protecting the environment.
To be committed, the group believes that good corporate citizenship should first permeate throughout our culture. We recognize that it is a continuous work in progress that involves all stakeholders and requires the strong commitment and effort of the management. Going forward we sought to continually improve in the support and engagement with the community where we live and work. We will continue to place the well being of the people and care of the environment at the top of our agenda in order to create a conducive, safe and better work environment for all our staffs. We have in place the Matex Sustainable Code of Conduct for this. Read More
- We commit to ethical and sustainable operation and development in all our business activities.
- We strive for a business culture of continuous improvement as well as for sustainable competitiveness and top performance.
- We are supportive of initiatives that promote Sustainable Operation & Processes to reduce environmental, safety and health risks, monitoring and communicating progress on a regular basis. This allows for the efficient use of energy and resources and the continuous improvement of our processes to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment by increasing our environmental and energy performance.
- We are committed to have our employees educated and trained to assume responsibility in line with their function, level of authority and qualification.
- We ensure our certified Management System adheres to all internal and external standards to which the company subscribes and forms a set of documented structural framework as the basis for objectives and programs. The system seeks to continuously upgrade and comply with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 50001 and Responsible Care®. Achieving and maintaining a high level of quality across all aspects of our businesses.
- We seek to comply with laws, international standards, internal regulations as a basic requirement for all our activities.
- We value the safety of our worldwide activities and the protection of people and environment. We set protection goals which are valid throughout the entire group and monitor and evaluate all aspects of our activities to manage risk.
- We aim to establish mutually beneficial long lasting relationships with our third party suppliers and contractors in order to support our services on the basis of our internal EHS standards. We encourage our suppliers and service providers to adopt standards comparable to Matex’s policies.
- We value a culture of proactive and transparent communication as key to trusting and reliable relationships. Through that we identify the concerns and expectations of our stakeholders systematically.
- We monitor and review all business aspects and processes at regular intervals. Quality and performance is an integral component of our business processes, our top priorities and our strategic planning.
- Corporate Social Responsibility is therefore ingrained and an integral component of our company‘s business, culture and philosophy.

The Responsible Care® Initiative aims to create a global vision and highlight the commitment of the industry to continuous improvement in the environmental, health and safety performance of the chemical producers worldwide.
Matex has given its support to the Responsible Care® Initiative with the signing of our commitment to Responsible Care® administered through the Singapore Chemical Industry Council. It underlines our strong commitment to sustainable chemistry and the leadership role in our activities and businesses.
Key components of the Responsible Care® Initiative are:
- Adopt global Responsible Care® core principles
- Implement fundamental features of national Responsible Care® programs
- Commit to advancing sustainable development
- Continuously improve and report performance
- Enhance the management of chemical products worldwide – Product Stewardship
- Champion and facilitate the extension of Responsible Care® along the chemical industry’s value chain
- Actively support national and local Responsible Care® Governance processes
- Address stakeholder expectations about the chemical's industry's activities and products
- Provide appropriate resources to effectively implement Responsible Care®

Following its induction into Singapore Compact, Matex signed the UN Global Compact. In doing so, we are emphasizing our all round commitment to sustainable development and being a good corporate citizen based on the UN initiative’s 10 general principles in human rights, labor, environmental protection and anticorruption.
Matex undertakes, within its scope of influence, to advocate the safeguarding of human rights, create working conditions at minimum in line with the law, conserve the environment, and take measures against corruption. The company recognizes and reaffirms that these principles mark out the future scope of action for its strategy, corporate culture, and daily work.
Matex submits an annual communication on progress (COP) to affirm our commitment.