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The World Economic Forum Global Risks Report 2023 states that climate change mitigation and adaptation are the top two most severe global risks over the next decade. With less than three years to halt the rise of planet-warming carbon emissions and less than a decade to slash them almost in half, the race to zero requires conviction and collaboration amongst all stakeholders.
As Singapore steps up on its national climate target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, we turn to youths, shapers of tomorrow’s world, to drive innovative business solutions and demand for responsible products.
Matex strongly believes in the need to drive change in our society and accelerate businesses’ commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More importantly it wants to give back, empower and work closely with our future young leaders to make it happen.
Jointly organised by City Developments Limited (CDL) and UN Global Compact Network Singapore (GCNS), this annual case competition offers young people a platform to champion sustainable development and SDG integration into business for positive change.
Previously known as the CDL-GCNS Young CSR Leaders Award, the competition has nurtured over 3,300 young leaders since inception in 2011. By aligning with the global goals for sustainable development, the Award seeks to educate and empower young leaders with SDG knowledge and skills, while inspiring companies in Singapore to take concrete actions for the SDGs.
Matex’s young leader team Springboards an all-boys/men team in 2013 came up first runner up. For 2023, Matex is much privileged to be invited again by GCNS to be a participating company in the rebranded CDL-GCNS Young SDG Leaders Award 2023.
The Green Phenomena this time was an all-girls/women team that had high calibre, were eco-conscious and highly spirited members coming from the Nanyang Technological University NTU of Environmental Science.
Working with Matex to look at addressing the SDG goals of 3.3 (Fight communicable disease), 11.6 (Reduce the adverse per capita environment impact of cities), 12.4 (Responsible management of chemicals and waste) & 12.8 (Promote universal understanding of sustainable lifestyle), to create an impactful focus of reducing antimicrobial resistance by up to 99.9%, reducing chemical discharge by 2million litres annually and water savings, causing a reduction in carbon emissions by 1.5 million kg with their business proposal of (Match+) & (Morph+), the team did a wonderful job to articulate this and capture the hearts and minds of the esteemed jury and audience. Taking pole position and were duly rewarded a grand sum of SGD 10,000.
Matex would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful young leaders and congratulate them again for their highly commendable efforts to overtake 60 over teams and finally emerge as the Grand Champion Team “The Green Phenomena” in the CDL-GCNS “Young SDG Leaders Awards 2023”. Well Done and Kudos. Girl Power!!!
Matex Singapore
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