Sustainability | Quality Standard
Research & Development

It is the backbone of the company, responsible for constantly upgrade the technology and processes.
Our Value is customer-focused for full satisfaction; therefore we strategize ourselves with Matex’s Vision and Mission to servicing for best value to our worldwide customers and us in long term "Win-Win" partnership.

Our R&D activities are undertaken by 3 R&D units comprising an application research laboratory in our Company, quality control and product improvement laboratories in SMC and MIL.
The application research laboratory in our Company is made up of two research scientists, under the direction of our Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Dr Alex Tan Pang Kee. Our application research team works closely with our marketing and sales team to develop new applications and solutions for our customers. Our marketing and sales team’s secondary role involves providing technical expertise to our customers and our subsidiaries.
Our laboratories in SMC and MIL are responsible for the development of customised products based on customers’ specifications. In addition, they are also responsible for conducting batch tests on our products to ensure consistencies in product quality and performances.

SRICI, our joint venture partner in SMC and MIL, also provides valuable insights and leading edge research for product development. Founded in 1949, SRICI is one of the earliest chemical research institutes to be established in the PRC and is widely recognised as a leading specialty chemical research institute in the PRC. Through our R&D efforts, we constantly develop recipes, procedures, formulations and new applications to enhance the quality of finished products for our customers. This leads to higher efficiency and helps to reduce costs, production cycle and labour in the manufacturing processes for our customers.
As an illustration of how our R&D contributed to our revenue, we developed and marketed our Megafix B-type of our bi-functional reactive dyestuffs in 1989 and in the subsequent years, our R&D efforts enabled us to introduce new variants under our Megafix range of bi-functional reactive dyestuffs.
R&D and innovation is one of a necessary part of business strategy. We ensure the product quality by focusing on each step of production process, from R&D to trial manufacture. The key goal of R&D is to develop core technology and product with independent intellectual property according to customer demand and the R&D philosophy of “no end for innovation”. Continually driving technology and achievement to market by R&D is also bringing a strong motivation for development.

Function of R&D
- Decide the R&D direction and develop innovative product.
- Compose corporation standard according to product.
- Keep up with global trend and market for customer requirement.
- Continuous innovate process and improve product efficiency.
- Responsible for marketing of new product, training and service.