Sustainability | Corporate Responsibilities | Best Practices Targets
Workplace Quality

Workplace Quality
We believe if our people are motivated, eager and rewarded, they will be able to deliver the customer focus, teamwork and professionalism expected of them. This will in turn drive the long term success of the Group.
Besides aiming at an overall goal of zero accidents, the group is committed to attract, develop and retain a highly talented and diverse workforce with a safe and conducive environment, to foster a winning and inclusive culture.
Essentially it is people that make a company successful and sustainable. Therefore developing the best people and providing a rewarding career, learning and development opportunities to our people is a fundamental part of the Group’s CSR agenda.
Continuous development of Matex’s workforce is a cornerstone of the company’s success. One of the aims of the 360degree feedback process and the annual performance dialog is to reflect the ongoing development potential of employees and agree on appropriate development goals and activities. Matex considers the continuous training of employees within the framework of the internal talent management process important as it ensures well functioning succession planning within the company. Matex is gradually introducing the performance management system and aims at full coverage in the upcoming years.
Matex supports and values international human rights principles and labor standards.
Further key areas and their key performance indicators we have and can work on include. Read More

Policies and compliance and material non-compliance with relevant standards, rules and regulations on compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, working hours, rest periods, equal opportunity, diversity and other benefits and welfare.
- Total workforce by employment type, age group and geographical region.
- Employee turnover rate by age group and geographical region.
Policies and compliance and material non-compliance with relevant standards, rules and regulations on providing a safe working environment and protecting employees from occupational hazards.
- Number and rate of work related fatalities.
- Lost days due to work injury.
- Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted, how they are implemented and monitored.

Policies on improving employee’s knowledge and skills for discharging duties at work. Description of training activities. Training can refer to vocational training and include internal and external course paid by employer.
- Percentage of employees trained by employee category
- Average training hours completed per employee by employee category.
Policies and compliance and material non-compliance with relevant standards, rules and regulations on preventing child or forced labour.
- Description of measures to review employment practices to avoid child and forced labour.
- Description of steps taken to eliminate such practices when discovered.